Black pagoda with red clay tile roof seen in front of white modern office building on left with blue sky on right
Exterior detail of a shopping center showing a rightangle triangle in silhouette above a wall and light post
Detail of Westin Peachtree Plaza tower with steam. Tower is reflected in the background by glass building facade
Light Fixture Detail, One Suntrust Plaza, Atlanta Georgia 1993
Interior Landscaping, One Suntrust Plaza, Atlanta Georgia 1993
Apertures and Surfaces, High Museum of Art, Atlanta Georgia 1995
Close-up of arches reaching from lower right to upper left
Looking up through the arches and columns of the nav at the wooden beams of the ceiling
Looking at small niche in far wall of bay with light from a stained glass window cascading across it
Close-up view of pier and column pedestals lit with light from stained glass windows
Looking past column at statue of George Washington
Looking between piers of the nave toward a brightly lit bay
Looking up columns under artificial light toward vaulted archway
Curve of the dome and entablature supported by columns seen against the sky
Afternoon Detail, Santa Fe, New Mexico 2000
Sunset reflected in the windows of corporate office building. Twilight sky in the background above distant line of trees
Modern, exterior facade of the Center seen against the morning sky
Exterior of the Georgia Pacific Plaza in Atlanta, Georgia lit with multi-colored lights in the early evening