In photography, there are many versions of the truth. Color is one version. All of these images are of subjects that would normally appear white to our eyes. Some surfaces are rendered faithfully and some are far removed from their natural appearance because the color temperature of the light falling on the surface was outside of the medium's narrow range of tolerance. One way to think about these images is that the colors don't actually exist, meaning, they aren't a characteristic of the surfaces. This is a truth about the scene as it appeared to the photographic process, but not necessarily to the viewer.

Vertical Blinds, Quiet Light (study 3), 2010

Quiet Verticals at Night (vertical blinds study 3), 2011

Quiet Verticals at Night (vertical blinds study 1), 2011

Closet Door, 1994

Ceiling Fan Detail, 2004

Hotel Detail, Chateau Elan, Braselton Georgia 1994

Apertures and Surfaces, High Museum of Art, Atlanta Georgia 1995

Light Fixture Detail, One Suntrust Plaza, Atlanta Georgia 1993

Ceiling Detail, High Museum of Art, Atlanta Georgia 1995

Vertical Blinds, Atlanta Georgia 2005

Evidence of Late Night Television, Atlanta Georgia 2006

The View from G Deck (White Building), Georgia State University, Atlanta Georgia 2011

Hallway Detail, 8740 Roswell Road, Atlanta Georgia 2007